Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Goodbye, Zaida

Our family is sad tonight. Goodbye, Ed. Goodbye, Zaida. We love you.

Ha-Makom y'nachem et'khem b'tokh sh'ar avelei Tziyon viyrushalayim


Patois42 said...

I'm so very sorry for you guys and Grandma Cathy. I'll say a prayer for him and for all of you.


Sharon Vosmek said...

Zaida to Zoe and Haley - you are loved and embraced by us all. Safe travels on your journey. We will miss you. See you on the other side.

Anonymous said...

OH NO!! I'm soooo sorry. Ugh.

I just sent you an email without having seen this.


Brandie said...

You are all constantly in our thoughts. We love you and are very sorry for your loss.

MLW said...

I am so sorry. I wish I was there to hug you. Know we are thinking of you and loving you from here.
XOXO, Marta Dan and Henry

Anonymous said...

So sorry all. You are in our thoughts and Zaida is in our prayers. Love, Ruth & Tim